Lab Director
Christina Anagnostopoulou

Christina Anagnostopoulou is an Associate Professor in music informatics and cognition at the Department of Music Studies, University of Athens. She studied Music (BMus Hons) and Artificial Intelligence <> (MSc in knowledge-based systems) at the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD, also in Edinburgh, was on computational and cognitive modelling of music analysis. She has taught at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow on various topics in music analysis and AI, and from 2002 to 2006 she was a lecturer at the Department of Music and Sonic Arts, <>, Queen’s University Belfast. During that time she led the Music Informatics and Cognition research group, and got her postgraduate qualification in Higher Education Teaching.
George Kosteletos
Post-doc researcher

George Kosteletos holds a PhD in Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence (NKUA), a Master’s Degree in Music Technology (University of York, UK) and a first degree in Physics (NKUA). He also has a piano diploma and a degree of higher musical theory and counterpoint. He currently works as a research fellow of the Medical School (NKUA – 1st Psychiatric Clinic of Aeginition Hospital) and a post-doctoral researcher (NKUA – Department of Philosophy, School of Philosophy). George’s research interests involve mainly the cognitive and philosophical sides of two fundamental aspects of human behavior, namely of morality and music. Nevertheless, they also extend to the philosophical issues arising from the modern research and practice in the field of Music Technology. Since 2011 he has been teaching aspects Philosophy and Cognitive Science at a postgraduate level and specifically in courses related to fields like Music Cognition, Neuroethics and AI ethics.
Christiana Adamopoulou

Christiana studied music at Ionian University, (Corfu, Greece) and music therapy at Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge, UK). She obtained her PhD in music therapy from Ionian University. Christiana has twenty years’ experience in teaching music both in mainstream and special needs schools. As a practicing music therapist, she has worked primarily with children in the autistic spectrum and with children and adults with learning disabilities. Her research interests cover a wide range of subjects, including music therapy with young adults, music therapy and special education, adult learning and community music. She is also trained in group psychotherapy.
Antonis Alexakis
PhD Researcher

Antonis Alexakis holds a BSc in Mathematics from University of Patras, an MSc in Knowledge Based Systems from Heriot-Watt University and a PhD from the University of Athens, Dpt of Music Studies. He has an active presence in the IT industry for more than 25 years. In the past he has taken part in several EU projects (FP4 & FP5). Lately, he has taken part in MIROR project as an IT expert. His work entails mostly computational analyses of musical data. He has an interest in stringology, Machine learning and AI music related constructs
Katerina Drakoulaki
PhD candidate

Katerina Drakoulaki is a PhD candidate at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, funded by the State Scholarships Foundation. She investigates the relationship between music, language, and cognitive skills in pre-school children. Her research interests extend to issues with music perception and cognition, syntax of language and music, and language interventions.
Aspa Papadimitriou

Aspa Papadimitriou studied a BA in Music Studies at UoA. After being awarded a scholarship from Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, she pursued an MSc in neuropsychology of music in “Music, Mind and Brain” programme at Goldsmiths University of London and an MA in anthropology of music and ethnomusicology in “Music Culture and Communication” programme at UoA. She also holds diplomas in Byzantine Music, Fugue and Jazz piano. Her research interests include the intersection of brain and culture (encultured brain), the impact of soundscapes on humans and society, the musical education and the relationship between music and language development
Eleni Skarkou

• Composer
• Guitar Soloist
• Musicologist
• Music technologist
• Educational
• Economist
Member of
• the Board of Directors of the Greek National Opera
• the Board of the Union of Greek Composers as Vice President
• the Editorial Team of the magazine of Ε.Ε.Μ. “Polytonon” as editor in chief, columnist, art creative director and design developer.
• the Economic Chamber of Greece
PhD candidate at Ionian University
She investigates the Participatory Music Interactive Creation
Personal website:
Angeliki Triantafyllaki, PhD

Angeliki completed her doctoral study at the University of Cambridge, focusing on the professional development and identity of musician-teachers. She has since worked on numerous international and national research projects (European Commission FP7-ICT, HEA, Thalis) and secured funding for postdoctoral research (British Academy, Greek State Scholarship Foundation). She teaches modules in Music Education, Music Psychology, Adult Education and Research Methods in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Greece and Cyprus. Her research activity has been published in international scientific journals, chapters in edited collections, conference proceedings. In 2016 she co-authored a book on using new music technologies for children’s improvisation and composition, published by Routledge, UK. Her research interests span broadly the areas of music teacher education and professional development, music technology and creativity and community music-making.
PhD students
Katerina Drakoulaki
PhD candidate

Katerina Drakoulaki is a PhD candidate at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, funded by the State Scholarships Foundation. She investigates the relationship between music, language, and cognitive skills in pre-school children. Her research interests extend to issues with music perception and cognition, syntax of language and music, and language interventions.
Polykarpos Polykarpidis
PhD candidate

Polykarpos Polykarpidis was born in Chalkida in 1992. He is a PhD student of Byzantine Musicology in the Music Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, under the supervision of Prof. Demetres Balageorgos. The title of his thesis is “Theophanes Karykes and his Heirmologion”. His postgraduate degree was completed in the same department. He received a degree in Informatics from the University of Piraeus and is interested in a computational approach to musicology. He holds a degree in Byzantine Music, which he teaches at a Conservatory. Additionally, he participates in his university choir, the Maistors of the Psaltic Art. He plays the piano, is interested in philosophy and is an amateur epistemologist. He received a scholarship for the academic year 2019-2020 from the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece.
Martha Papadogianni-Kouranti
Msc in Audiocommunication and Technology, PhD in Music Technology

Martha Papadogianni-Kouranti was born in Athens in 1985. She began her musical studies at the National Conservatory of Athens (piano and music theory) and the Eratio Conservatory (cello). From 2003 to 2008 she studied at the Department of Music Studies of the Faculty of Music of the National University of Athens. She succeeded at the ASEP written competition of 2008 and began working as a music teacher in secondary public education. In 2011, she was accepted to the Department of Acoustics, Communication and Technology of the Technical University of Berlin, where she completed her Msc in 2014. Her thesis focused on impacts of tactile stimulation on rhythm and pitch perception of adults and children with cochlear implants (Auditory Tactile Music Perception of Cochlear Implant Users). In 2014, she came back to Athens where she works as a music teacher in primary public education. She completed her PhD thesis in Music Technology at the Department of Music Studies of the National University of Athens (February 2024), entitled: “Auditory-tactile music perception: examining beat sensitivity and sensorimotor synchronization in educational context”. Her research work has been presented at national and international conferences, while part of her thesis has been published in the Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces. Her research interests focus on the multisensory sound perception, sensory interactions (multimodal interactions, sensory integration), musical vibrations and the psychoacoustic parameters of music. Since 2018, she is a member of the Intercultural Orchestra of the National Opera Greece (cello).
Joy Vamvakaris
PhD researcher

Joanna Zioga
Post-doc researcher

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at Queen Mary University of London, investigating the neural correlates of leadership via a hyperscanning study (dual-EEG and dual-eye tracking). I achieved my PhD on Cognitive Neuroscience at Queen Mary University of London and my MSc in Music, Mind & Brain at Goldsmiths University of London. I hold a BA in Musicology (University of Athens, Greece). Furthermore, I have worked as a research assistant in academic (Goldsmiths, UK), clinical (Aiginiteio Hospital, GR), as well as industry-related settings (Adobe®). I have extensively worked with EEG, transcranial electrical non-invasive stimulation, and eye-tracking. My main research interests lie on the neural correlates of learning and creativity, melodic expectation, and psychiatric disorders, especially body dysmorphia.
Katerina Chatzovoulou

Katerina Chatzovoulou holds an integrated Master’s degree in Musicology with a specialisation on Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology, from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She also holds an Advanced Professional Diploma in Applied Counselling Psychology from Metropolitan College. She has practiced community music in an array of settings, from refugee camps to children’s hospitals and dementia centers. She will pursue a music therapy postgraduate degree in Scotland, starting in 2020. Her research interests extend to music therapy, music psychology, and the musicology of conflict.
Antonia P. Papaioannοu

PhD in Byzantine Musicology, Department of Music Studies of the School of Philosophy of the NKUA. She is particularly interested in Music Psychology and its correlation to the Psaltic Art. She has completed her Performing Arts studies in Music (Piano, Classical Singing & Western Music Theory), Acting & Dance (Ballet & Modern Theatre of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing) and has worked on stage (in theatre/music productions, e.g. Greek National Opera, The beggars’ Opera, American Ballet Theatre) and as a music teacher in private conservatories and public state schools.
Music Psychology & Cognition
Medical Ethnomusicology
Byzantine Musicology
Nikolaos Bouris

Nikolaos Bouris has obtained a degree in Physics from the University of Athens with the note B plus («Λίαν καλώς»), a degree in Byzantine Ecclesiastic Music from the Conservatory of Athens with the note A («Άριστα»), a diploma in Byzantine Music from the academy of the Episcopate of Halkida with the note A («Άριστα»). He has obtained his postgraduate degree in Byzantine musicology and at present he has been working on his dissertation under the supervision of professor Achilleas Chaldæakes, concerning “Pattern recognition of Byzantine composition and musical parallelism of Byzantine neumatic notations and their explanations”. During the last thirty years he has been professionally active in the field of private ed-ucation, teaching Physics and has also been a cantor, in churches in the area of Athens. Apart from his regular presence as a cantor in the last twenty years, he has been an active member of the famous musical choir The Maestors of the Psaltic Art directed by the maestro-choir Mr. Achilleas Chaldæakes.
Kiki Kerzeli

Kiki Kerzeli studied Music Pedagogy and Psychology of Music (B.S. and integrated Master) at the Ionian University, Department of Music Studies, from where she graduated with Excellence in November 2017. (From 2019 proceeded in her studies with a Master (M.A.) in Music Education in formal and informal settings at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Music Studies.) She is working at the Greek National Opera, in the field of Social & Educational Activities by implementing the “Guitar Express” and “Μουσική(οί) εδώ και τώρα!”, educational programs for people aged 65+. She is also involved in the creation of musical material in the field of performing arts and in the music training of actors. Since 2014, belongs to a research team led by Ioanna Etmektsoglou, which investigate varied aspects of the program “Guitar Express”. At the same time, she is interested in exploring music education through alternative teaching methods and in the diffusion of music into vulnerable social groups in communities.
Alexandra-Christina Orfanou

I am a Cognitive Science post-graduate student of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During my Master’s studies significant emphasis was given on the field of Linguistics. In 2011 I graduated from the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly. I have also received a 12-year formal piano education including music theory. My research involves the aforementioned fields and is focused on the contribution of musical rhythm on syntactic and visuo-spatial processing.
Scientific Interests
- Psycho- and Neurolinguistics
- Music Cognition
- Visuo-spatial processing
Nikos Verikokkos

Ο Νίκος Βερύκοκκος γεννήθηκε στη Νάξο το 1978. Κατέχει δίπλωμα βιολιού με άριστα παμψηφεί από το Αττικό Ωδείο Αθηνών, έχοντας καθηγητή τον Παντελή Δεσποτίδη. Είναι απόφοιτος του Τμήματος Μουσικολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Ασχολείται με τη μουσικολογική έρευνα και έχει δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά συνεδρίων και επετηρίδες που αφορούν εθνομουσικολογικά ζητήματα της Νάξου. Κατέχει πτυχίο αρμονίας από το Ελληνικό Ωδείο, με καθηγητές τον Μιχάλη Ανδρονίκου και Κώστα Πορφύρη. Έχει παρακολουθήσει μαθήματα παραδοσιακού βιολιού κοντά στον Γιώργο Κόρο. Διδάσκει κλασικό και παραδοσιακό βιολί σε Ωδεία της Αττικής, ενώ παράλληλα παίζει παραδοσιακά όργανα, όπως λαούτο και ούτι. Είναι επιστημονικός συνεργάτης και εκπαιδευτικός στο Κέντρο Παιδαγωγικής και Καλλιτεχνικής Επιμόρφωσης «Σχεδία», εφαρμόζοντας το ειδικό πρόγραμμα για ευπαθείς ομάδες «Μουσική στην Κοινότητα». Έχει συμμετάσχει στα προγράμματα:
- Πρόγραμμα Στήριξης εφήβων σε κίνδυνο μέσω της μουσικής στη Δραπετσώνα 2018-2019.
- ΑΡΤΙΖΟΡΑ – Πρόγραμμα προώθησης των δικαιωμάτων των παιδιών Ρομά μέσω της τέχνης 2019.
Το 2011 κυκλοφόρησε τον πρώτο του ψηφιακό δίσκο με τίτλο «Στην ομορφιά του δειλινού», ο οποίος περιέχει 12 νέα τραγούδια σε νησιώτικο ύφος, με μουσική και στίχους από τον ίδιο. Συμμετέχει σε δισκογραφικές δουλειές και συνεργάζεται με Έλληνες καλλιτέχνες του έντεχνου, λαϊκού και παραδοσιακού χώρου. Είναι μέλος της ορχήστρας «Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης».